Home Grown, Naturally and Sustainably

Home Grown, Naturally and Sustainably

Are you thinking about becoming a green thumb but feel a little overwhelmed by the process? Maybe you already have a garden, but you just aren’t seeing the results you’d like? We know that happy, healthy plants start from the ground up, which is why we are excited to introduce our Home and Garden line. Offering the same benefits as our commercial products, AgriGro Home products are specifically designed to enhance what nature has already provided. Finally — products that work with nature for everything you grow and are safe for your home, pets, and family!


How Our Home Products Work

With all the products on the market for home and garden use, it can be confusing to understand something as simple as growing herbs in a container. Unfortunately, our confusion often leads to more effort. While it might seem complicated, it’s really not when you work in harmony with nature. Working with nature simplifies things and it comes down to understanding the importance of beneficial microbial activity in the soil, on the plant, and the huge benefits that come from this thriving microbial life. Ok, now maybe I lost you...if that sounds complicated, hear me out. :) Through nearly 40 years in the industry, AgriGro has learned that by supporting the delicate relationship between the life in the soil and the plants, we’ll make our job much less complicated. Nature provided these tiny living microbes that are always actively working in the soil and on the plant surface. They play several roles in ensuring the health of your plants, such as supplying the essential nutrients, growth regulators, antibiotics, enzymes, and amino acids. They also help break down fertilizers and release nutrients that are already in the soil to make them readily available for your plants. All of which are needed to grow strong, healthy plants that produce plenty of fruits and vegetables to bring to your dinner table. Sometimes, from all the confusion of trying to offset this or that, or artificially boost growth, we wind up depleting the number of beneficial microbes and lowering the plant’s natural abilities and defense systems — that’s when it gets complicated again. These efforts are not sustainable and are likely doing more harm than good. Our all-natural prebiotic formulation, however, works to significantly increase these beneficial microbes...up to 5000%! Containing various biomolecules that not only feed the microbes, increasing their performance, but also serving to regulate various functions in the plant for improved health. We’re adding life, supporting what nature has already provided. The healthier the plant and the soil, the fewer worries gardeners have about pests and disease. To sum it up, when these microbes are on the job we can enjoy the process and a bountiful harvest with less effort. There you have it - working with nature by adding life makes it much less complicated.

Our Home & Garden Product Lineup:

Containing macro- and micro-nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and complex carbohydrates, this is a 100% natural, environmentally safe prebiotic treatment for your plants. Even better, it is a versatile product that has many uses. You can treat your seeds, bulbs, and roots with Bountiful Harvest before planting them, or you can spray it on flowers, succulents, fruits, vegetables, trees, and bushes throughout their growth cycle. Either way, you’re sure to notice improved germination as well as outstanding plant growth and development. Even your houseplants and lawn can benefit from this incredible formulation as it helps improve the way plants absorb and use water, which can result in less watering.

Order Bountiful Harvest

Did you know that calcium is one of the most important minerals for a healthy, thriving lawn and garden? It’s true! Soil conditions have to be just right in order for plant nutrients to be in their most available state. Super-Cal is immediately available for your plants and helps balance pH levels to create the perfect environment for young seeds. It also helps support the metabolism of plants so that they can make the most of the nutrients they get from the soil. Use it on your grass or use it on your fruits and vegetables in the garden — the choice is yours!

Order Super-Cal

--- We're proud to announce our newest addition,

OMRI organically approved:

Your family’s health is important to you and you want your lawn and garden to complement your natural lifestyle. As a 100% organic prebiotic treatment for seed, soil, and foliage, Ultra is a product that can help you do just that. This product is incredibly simple to use and has a wide variety of applications. Use it when you are planting the seeds in your garden for hardy root development and plant growth, or apply it to your lawn or plant leaves for healthier, stronger grass, fruits, vegetables, flowers, and houseplants. Worried about harmful chemicals in your lawn and garden products? With Ultra, you can romaine calm — it’s organic! In fact, it is certified for use in organic operations under the USDA National Organic Program.

Order Ultra